Sharing Personal Information with Ms. Desi

Sharing Personal Information with Ms. Desi


  • Desi Indrawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.

The Managing Department

  • English Literature


  • Teaching & Academics



Course Description

This course presents the use of sharing personal information in the class, interview, internship, workplace, and seminar or conference, business presentation and business communication. The students will learn and attempt the quizzes in this MOOC (expressions, examples of introductions, steps, and concepts). Besides, many examples will be presented in every discussion.

Key topics are presented in question form to spark student’s curiosity and to encourage student to use the expressions of sharing personal information in the class, interview, internship, workplace, and seminar or conference. Key topics that will be discussed in this course are ‘When do we use sharing personal information?’, ‘What are the expressions of sharing personal information?’, ‘How do we use the expressions of sharing personal information?’, ‘What are the tips to maintain body language and eye contact in presentation?’, ’Why is business communication important?’, ‘How to rock your business presentation?’.

All materials will be explained using video contents. The course can be completed in 1 month. At the end of this course, student will understand the and implement them into their communication when they share personal information and present their presentation.

Course Topics

  1. Overview
  2. Introduce Yourself before Starting Class Presentation
  3. Sharing Personal information in Formal Context
  4. How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview?
  5. Tell Me About Yourself in an Internship
  6. Introduce Yourself on the first Day of Work
  7. Business Communication in the Workplace
  8. Communication in Organizational Settings
  9. How to Start a Conversation and Introduce Yourself in a Seminar or Conference
  10. How to Rock Your Business Presentation in English
  11. Body Language and Eye Contact: How to Look Great in Video Conference
  12. Conclusion