Personal Financial Management, Compliance, & Risk Management for Student Organization

Personal Financial Management, Compliance, & Risk Management for Student Organization

Basic knowledge about personal financial management, compliance, and risk management


  • Ignatius Edward Riantono, S.E., M.Ak.

The Managing Department

  • Student Development Center


  • Business



Course Description

This course delivers basic organizational management for member of student organization in a university. This course aims to develop students’ financial management skill so that they can manage personal and organizational finance. Please note that the language used in this course is Indonesian. We are working to translate it into English.

Course Topics

  1. Introduction and Learning Outcomes
  2. Basic Principles of Personal and Organizational Finance
  3. Basic Financial Elements
  4. Personal and Organizational Expenditure Management Principles
  5. Compliance
  6. Financial Management Cycle and Principles
  7. Risk Management Analysis
  8. Exercise to Make Financial Planning on Proposals and Financial Reports (Report of Accountability)
