Satria Fadil Persada, S.Kom., MBA., Ph.D

Satria Fadil Persada, S.Kom., MBA., Ph.D

Consumer Behavior, Marketing & Business Function


Profile & Qualification

S1 – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya – S.Kom

S2 – National Taiwan University of Science and Technology – M.B.A

S3 – National Taiwan University of Science and Technology – Ph.D

Experienced Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. Showing heavy-impact research with over 50 Scopus indexed publications. Skilled in Marketing and Consumer Behavior research area. Strong education professional with a Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D. focused on Industrial Management, School Management, from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Research & Publication

Preferred Journal Publications 

  1. Bekti, D.B.M., Prasetyo, Y.T., Redi, A.A.N.P., Budiman, A.S., Mandala, I.M.P.L., Putra, A.R., Persada, S.F., Nadlifatin, R. and Young, M.N. (2022). Determining Factors Affecting Customer Intention to Use Rooftop Solar Photovoltaics in Indonesia. Sustainability, 14(1), p.280. Q1 
  2. Ardiansyahmiraja, B., Nadlifatin, R., Persada, S. F., Prasetyo, Y. T., & Redi, A. P. (2021). Learning from a distance during a pandemic outbreak: Factors affecting students’ acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(2), 21-31. Q3 
  3. Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A., Nadlifatin, R., Belgiawan, P.F., Redi, A.A.N.P., Lin, S.C (2021). Determinants of Students’ Intention to Continue Using Online Private Tutoring: An Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) Approach. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning. Q1 
  4. Ong, A.K.S., Prasetyo, Y.T., Lagura, F.C., Ramos, R.N., Sigua, K.M., Villas, J.A., Young, M.N., Diaz, J.F.T., Persada, S.F. and Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors affecting intention to prepare for mitigation of “the big one” earthquake in the Philippines: Integrating protection motivation theory and extended theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63, p.102467. Q1 
  5. Prasetyo, Y. T., Kurata, Y. B., Acosta, A. R., Aben, A. P. F. B., Persada, S. F., Nadlifatin, R., & Redi, A. A. N. P. (2021). Factors affecting response actions of the 2020 Taal Volcano eruption among Filipinos in Luzon, Philippines: A structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63, 102454. Q1 
  6. Kishimoto, R. T., Prasetyo, Y. T., Persada, S. F., & Redi, A. P. (2021). Filipino generation z on mobile legends during COVID-19: A determination of playtime and satisfaction. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(8), 381-386. Q4 
  7. Ong, A.K.S., Prasetyo, Y.T., Libiran, M.A.D.C., Lontoc, Y.M.A., Lunaria, J.A.V., Manalo, A.M., Miraja, B.A., Young, M.N., Chuenyindee, T., Persada, S.F., Perwira Redi, A.A.N. Consumer Preference Analysis on Attributes of Milk Tea: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. Foods 2021, 10, 1382. Q1 
  8. Prasetyo, Y.T., Castillo, A.M., Salonga, L.J., Sia, J.A., Chuenyindee, T., Young, M.N., Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A., & Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors Influencing Repurchase Intention in Drive-Through Fast Food: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Foods, 10(6), 1205. Q1 
  9. Fernandez, J. R., Prasetyo, Y. T., Persada, S. F., & Redi, A. P. Automation of Predictive Maintenance Using Internet of Things (IoT) Technology at University-Based O&M Project. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(7). 332-336. Q4 
  10. Balinado, J.R., Prasetyo, Y. T., Young, M. N., Persada, S. F., Miraja, B.A., & Redi, A. A. N. P. (2021). The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in an Automotive After-Sales Service. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(2), 116. Q1. 
  11. Persada, S.F., Dalimunte, I., Nadlifatin, N., Miraja, B.A., Redi, A.A.N. P.,  Prasetyo, Y.T., Chin, J., Lin. S.C. (2021). Revealing the Behavior Intention of Tech-Savvy Generation Z to Use Electronic Wallet Usage: A Theory of Planned Behavior Based Measurement. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(1), 213-226. Q3 
  12. Prasetyo, Y. T., Tanto, H., Mariyanto, M., Hanjaya, C., Young, M. N., Persada, S. F., Miraja, B.A., & Redi, A. A. N. P. (2021). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online Food Delivery Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Relation with Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 76. Q1 
  13. Redi, A. A. N., Jewpanya, P., Kurniawan, A. C., Persada, S. F., Nadlifatin, R., & Dewi, O. A. C. (2020). A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Solving Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Locker Facilities. Algorithms, 13(9), 218. Q3 
  14. Prayogo, D., Cheng, M. Y., Wu, Y. W., Redi, A. A. N., Yu, V. F., Persada, S. F., & Nadlifatin, R. (2020). A Novel Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Optimization of Construction Management Site Layout Planning. Algorithms, 13(5), 117. Q3 
  15. Persada, S. F., Oktavianto, A., Miraja, B., Nadlifatin, R., Belgiawan, P. F., & Redi, A. P. P. (2020). Public Perceptions of Online Learning in Developing Countries: A Study Using The ELK Stack for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(09), 94-109. Q2 
  16. Nadlifatin, R., Miraja, B., Persada, S.F, Belgiawan, P., Redi, A. A. N., & Lin, S. C. (2020). The measurement of University students’ intention to use blended learning system through technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) at developed and developing regions: Lessons learned from Taiwan and Indonesia. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(9), 219-230. Q2 
  17. Persada, S. F., Ivanovski, J., Miraja, B. A., Nadlifatin, R., Mufidah, I., Chin, J., & Redi, A. A. N. P. (2020). Investigating Generation Z’Intention to Use Learners’ Generated Content for Learning Activity: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(04), 179-194. Q2 
  18. Chin, J., Lin, S. C., Persada, S. F., Jaqin, C., & Mufidah, I. (2020). Preventive maintenance model for heating ventilation air conditioning in pharmacy manufacturing sector. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 11(1), 45-53. Q3 
  19. Miraja, B., Persada, S.F, Prasetyo, Y., Belgiawan, P., & Redi, A. A. N. (2019). Applying Protection Motivation Theory to understand generation z students intention to comply with educational software anti piracy law. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(18), 39-52. Q2 
  20. Persada, S. F., Miraja, B. A., Nadlifatin, R. (2019). Understanding the Generation Z Behavior on D-Learning: A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 14(5). Q2 
  21. Nasution, A. H., Tontowi, A. E., Sopha, B. M., Hartono, B., & Persada, S. F. (2019). A dynamic model of budget competition allocation on craft industry: evidence from Indonesia. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(4), 416. Q2 
  22. Chin, J., Jiang, B., Mufidah, I., Persada, S.F, Noer, B. (2018). The Investigation of Consumers’ Behavior Intention in Using Green Skincare Products: A Pro-Environmental Behavior Model Approach. Sustainability, 10(11), 3922. Q1 
  23. Mufidah, I., Jiang, B.C., Lin, S.C., Chin, J., Rachmaniati, Y.P., Persada, S.F. (2018). Understanding the Consumers’ Behavior Intention in Using Green Ecolabel Product through Pro-Environmental Planned Behavior Model in Developing and Developed Regions: Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Indonesia. Sustainability, 10(5), 1423. Q1 
  24. Lin, S. C., Mufidah, I., & Persada, S. F. (2017). Safety-culture exploration in Taiwan’s metal industries: Identifying the workers’ background influence on safety climate. Sustainability, 9(11), 1965. Q1 
  25. Lin, S.C., Nadlifatin, R., Amna, A.R., Persada, S.F., Razif, M. (2017). Investigating Citizen Behavior Intention on Mandatory and Voluntary Pro-Environmental Programs through a Pro-Environmental Planned Behavior Model. Sustainability, 9(7), 1289. Q1 
  26. Nadlifatin, R., Lin, S. C., Rachmaniati, Y. P., Persada, S. F., Razif, M. (2016). A Pro-Environmental Reasoned Action Model for Measuring Citizens’ Intentions regarding Ecolabel Product Usage. Sustainability, 8(11), 1165. Q1 
  27. Persada, S. F., Lin, S. C., Nadlifatin, R., Razif, M. (2015). Investigating the citizens’ intention level in environmental impact assessment participation through an extended theory of planned behavior model.  Global Nest Journal, 17(4), 847-857. Q3 
  28. Lin, S.C., Persada, S.F., Nadlifatin., R., Tsai, H.Y., Chu, C.H. (2015). Exploring the influential factors of manufacturers’ initial intention in applying for the green mark ecolabel in Taiwan. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2(4), 359-364. Q1 

Preffered Conference Publications 

  1. Nadlifatin, R., Persada, S. F., Clarinda, M., Handiwibowo, G. A., Laksitowati, R. R., Prasetyo, Y. T., & Redi, A. A. N. P. (2022). Social media-based online entrepreneurship approach on millennials: A measurement of job pursuit intention on multi-level marketing. Procedia Computer Science, 197, 110-117. 
  2. Erlangga, E. B., Persada, S. F., Apriyansyah, B., & Lin, S. C. (2021, December). The Effect of Consumer Intrinsic Factors on Impulsive Buying Behavior in Online Marketplace: Case Study of Shopee Consumers. In 3rd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (ICONBMT 2021) (pp. 181-189). Atlantis Press. 
  3. Prihananto, P., Persada, S. F., Bahalwan Apriyansyah, M., Naulia, P., Prasetyo, Y. T., & Lin, S. C. (2021, December). Customers Purchase Intention in Social Commerce: A Descriptive Study. In 3rd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (ICONBMT 2021) (pp. 203-209). Atlantis Press. 
  4. Billa, A. S., Persada, S. F., & Apriyansyah, B. (2021, December). Identification of ITS Student’s Behavioral Intention in Using Campus Web-Based Services Through UTAUT Approach: Case Study my. its. ac. id. In 3rd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (ICONBMT 2021) (pp. 174-180). Atlantis Press. 
  5. Prasetyo, Y. T., Cagubcob, A. M. A., Persada, S. F., & Redi, A. P. (2021, April). Application of 8D Methodology for Minimizing Test Mixing Event in Semiconductor Test Manufacturing. In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) (pp. 360-367). IEEE. (Scopus)
  6. Prasetyo, Y. T., Bautista, A. V. Z., Persada, S. F., & Redi, A. P. (2021, April). Quality Improvement for the Packaging of Test to Tape machine Using the Statistical Process Control. In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) (pp. 373-378). IEEE. (Scopus) 
  7. Agapito, A. M., Prasetyo, Y. T., Persada, S. F., & Redi, A. P. (2021, April). Quality Assessment Support System for Alarm Prioritization in Pharmaceutical Plant Operations. In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) (pp. 390-393). IEEE. (Scopus) 
  8. Chin, J., Iridiastadi, H., Shu-Chiang, L., & Persada, S. F. (2019, December). Workload analysis by using nordic body map, Borg RPE and NIOSH manual lifting equation analyses: a case study in sheet metal industry. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1424, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing. (Scopus) 
  9. Jani, M. A., Sari, G. I. P., Pribadi, R. C. H., Nadlifatin, R., & Persada, S. F. (2015). An investigation of the influential factors on digital text voting for commercial competition: A case of Indonesia. Procedia Computer Science, 72, 285-291. (Scopus) 
  10. Lin, S. C., Persada, S. F., & Nadlifatin, R. (2014, May). A study of student behavior in accepting the Blackboard Learning System: A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th international conference on computer supported cooperative work in design (CSCWD) (pp. 457-462). IEEE. (Scopus) 
  11. Lin, S. C., Prasetio, M. D., Persada, S. F., & Nadlifatin, R. (2013). A Naïve Bayes Based Machine Learning Approach and Application Tools Comparison Based on Telephone Conversations. In Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013 (pp. 1017-1023). Springer, Singapore.(Scopus) 


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