Entrepreneurship, Business, Management
S1 – Universitas Brawijaya – S.E
S2 – Universitas Brawijaya – M.M
Kumalasari, Riesta Devi, D. Hadiwidjojo, and N. K. Indrawati. “The Effect of Fundamental Variables and Macro Variables on the Probability of Companies to Suffer Financial Distress A Study on Textile Companies Registered in BEI.” European Journal of Business and Management 6, no. 34 (2014): 275-285.
Lukiyanto, Kukuh, Anindya Widita, and Riesta Devi Kumalasari. “Patron-client relationship in microenterprise development as a cultural heritage in modern era.” PERTANIKA: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 26 (2018): 155-162.
Purnomo, Agung, Andre Septianto, Dian Utami Sutiksno, Muchamad Indung Hikmawan, and Riesta Devi Kumalasari. “Technopreneur Publication: A Bibliometric Analysis (2000–2019).” In 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), pp. 521-526. IEEE, 2020.
Kumalasari, Riesta Devi. “Faktor pendorong keberhasilan wanita pedesaan dalam berwirausaha.” J-MKLI (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kearifan Lokal Indonesia) 1, no. 2 (2018): 106-115.
Zunaidah, Asih, Yanuarita Kusuma P. Sari, and Riesta Devi Kumalasari. “HEDGES, POLITENESS STRATEGIES, AND POWER: A CASE STUDY OF WOMEN COMMUNITY LEADERS IN MALANG REGENCY.” Jurnal Riset Komunikasi 3, no. 1 (2020): 87-95.
Kumalasari, Riesta Devi, Kukuh Lukiyanto, and Agung Purnomo. “External Factors Motivating Successful Women Entrepreneurs: A Study of Women Entrepreneurs Community in A Rural Area.” PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 18, no. 1 (2021): 518-526.