S1 – Universitas Brawijaya – S.E
S2 – Institut Teknologi Bandung – M.A.B
Lecturer & Business Coach (Life-Coach Certified) with 8+ years experience managing SME (Small and medium-sized enterprises) in the field of personal & baby care products. Interest in Education & Building Building Business.
Prabowo, Riefky, Febby Pratama, Putu Adi Putra Arimbawa, and Mardhatilah Shanti. “Investigating Multi-Channel Learning Adoption on Higher Education Students.” In 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), pp. 282-287. IEEE, 2021.
Prabowo, Riefky. “Analisis Pengaruh Iklan, Brand Trust dan Brand Image Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Mastin Ekstrak Kulit Manggis di Kota Malang.” PhD diss., Universitas Brawijaya, 2015.
CV. Bumi Kencana
Nov 2017 – Present4 years 2 months
Surabaya Area, East Java, Indonesia
Built and managing Managerial Team such as Marketing, Production, Operational and Finance. Creating business strategy CV. Bumi Kencana with Owner.