Determining factors affecting customer intention to use rooftop solar photovoltaics in Indonesia

Keyword Circular supply chain; Solar photovoltaic; Sustainability
development; UTAUT2
Authors Bekti D.B.M., Prasetyo Y.T., Redi A.A.N.P., Budiman A.S., Mandala I.M.P.L., Putra A.R., Persada S.F., Nadlifatin R., Young M.N.
Published Year 2022


Many developing countries on the equator, including Indonesia, have the potential for
renewable and sustainable resources, such as solar energy. However, despite the enormous
potential, the adoption level remains low. Previously, several studies discussed the potential,
the feasibility, and the supporting policy of this technology, but none have been discussed
from the customers’ perspective on a national scale. Therefore, this study attempts to
determine the factors affecting the customers’ intention to use solar photovoltaics in
Indonesia to develop a sustainable circular supply chain for renewable energy. This
investigation was conducted based on integrating the unified theory of acceptance and use of
technology 2 (UTAUT2) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Furthermore, an online
questionnaire was successfully distributed with a total of 208 participants. Structural equation
modeling (SEM) was utilized to derive the causal relationships of the proposed hypotheses.
The results indicated that price value (PV) has a positive relationship and a significant
influence on attitude toward use (ATU), which leads to the behavioral intention (BI) to make
the construct the most affecting factor. This is the first comprehensive study to analyze the
intention to use rooftop solar panels based on the UTAUT2 and TPB framework. The successful
approach to support photovoltaic use will bring less waste and strengthen the circular supply
chain to support sustainable development. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel,

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