Consumer Values Shifting in Cross Generation Javanese Consumers in Indonesia: Do Young Consumers Still Uphold Local Wisdom?

Keyword Consumer behavior; Culture; Indonesia; Javanese; Value
Authors Triwijayati A., Melany, Wijayanti D., Setiyati E.A., Harsoyo T.D.
Published Year 2022


This study aims to examine local wisdom of consumer values, and classify and compare
consumer values between or across generations of Javanese Baby Boomers, X, Y, and Z. The
study employed a mixed-method approach. The data were gathered by conducting in-depth
interviews with four Javanese families, and online surveys. All respondents were Javanese
consumers, with 103 from Generation Z, 154 from Generation Y, 257 from Generation X, and
17 from Baby Boomers. The total respondents were 531 persons. Data analysis was performed
using the one-sample t-test, factor analysis, ANOVA, and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The shift in
consumption values did not occur in the Baby Boomer, nor in the X, Y, and Z generations. Most
values of Javanese consumers are thriving and are still being held by all generations. The
shifting values are about ambition, patience, social recognition, ngalah [to yield or to
succumb], ethok-ethok [having an indirect opinion or pretending]. This study provides followup
implications for further research to link consumer values with other aspects of consumers
such as national culture, consumer decision-making style, entrepreneurship, and other
socioeconomic aspects. © 2022, Journal of Population and Social Studies. All Rights Reserved.

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