Application of 8D Methodology for Minimizing Test Mixing Event in Semiconductor Test Manufacturing

Keyword 5-Whys analysis; 8D methodology; fault tree Analysis; quality issues; semiconductor
Authors Prasetyo Y.T., Cagubcob A.M.A., Persada S.F., Perwira Redi A.A.N.
Published Year 2021


Device handling and testing is one of the process in a Semiconductor Industry. There are such events internally that is related to quality issues. With quality issues rising, this has become the sole purpose for an industry to focus on solving such issues that can result in construction and delivering product output to its customers with its guaranteed quality. One factor in affecting the quality of the products in a semiconductor manufacturing is a mixing event. This paper has focused in applying the 8D methodology in solving the issue. 8D methodology consists 8-steps to be followed by the formed team for problem solving as well as for process improvements to prevent recurrence. An application of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tools, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and 5-Whys Analysis was used in this study. Through these RCA tools used, the root cause of the problem was detected. This resulted in implementing such measures to prevent recurrence of the issue. Results shows no same occurrence of mixing event particularly in pick and place (PnP) handlers. The 8D approach was helpful in solving the issue due to its method that directly pinpoint and identify the problem. © 2021 IEEE.

Link: 85107557121&doi=10.1109%2fICIEA52957.2021.9436692&partnerI D=40&md5=5e979c07e9eaa9f619def0a6b9956b27