An evaluation of wastewater compounds behavior to determine the environmental impact assessment (EIA) wastewater treatment plant technology consideration: A case on surabaya malls

Keyword Surabaya river; Wastewater compounds; Wastewater treatment plant
Authors Razif M., Persada S.F.
Published Year 2015


Surabaya rivers are considered as the main source of water used by the citizens of Surabaya. Surabaya rivers are not only used for drinking materials, but also for industrial and mall sectors that produce wastewater. Thus, the existence of wastewater is an inevitable situation. Ensuring the sustainability of Surabaya Rivers is important to fulfill the minimum criteria set by the Indonesia Government. This research aims to evaluate the wastewater compounds behavior in Surabaya rivers in order to understand the characteristics and patterns of wastewater. Seven variables to include BOD, COD, NH3, O&G, PO4, TSS and a debit were assessed by structural equation modeling. The sampling data were taken from two malls in Surabaya. The analysis result describes one positive correlation and five negative correlations. The wastewater treatment plant technologies are expected to be able to accommodate the behavior patters of these wastewater compounds. Several recommendations from the analysis result can be used by mall owners, potential developers as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment related sectors to consider the characteristic of wastewater compounds and to use the appropriate wastewater treatment plant technology in order to ensure the sustainability of the river. © 2015, Sphinx Knowledge House. All rights reserved.

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