A Classification Scheme in Evaluating Undergraduate Students’ Feedback Towards Service Quality of Private University

Keywords classification scheme; private university; service quality; student feedback
Authors Prasetyo Y.T., Regondola-Bolata L., Nadlifatin R., Persada S.F., Chuenyindee T., Ardiansyahmiraja B.
Email satria.fadil@binus.ac.id
Published year 2022


Student feedback is an important part of service quality of a private university. The purpose of the study was to evaluate undergraduate students’ feedback towards service quality of private university. A total of 1555 questionnaires and a total of 201 negative comments were collected from one private university in the Philippines during one academic year. For students’ comments, classification schemes were utilized to organize the meaningful categories. It showed that negative personality traits of the employees and poor student accommodation were two most frequent negative comments. Classification schemes were found as a powerful tool to evaluate the students’ feedback towards service quality. Finally, that this approach can be applied and extended to analyze students’ feedback in different private universities worldwide. © 2022 ACM.

Link: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0- 85135025728&doi=10.1145%2f3535782.3535811&partnerID=40&m d5=be273ae02fab5597059a692bc5ec1913