Using TikTok to Raise Mental Health Awareness Among Young Audiences

Jakarta, 7 July — Amidst this era of rapid technological innovation, mental health issues remain unmentioned or ignored. This situation is commonly observed among young people, who may find it hard to openly discuss or confront these challenges despite the availability of digital mental health support through advanced technological resources. 

Addressing this pressing concern, our international students from Cambodia, Huykea Sun and Bunleap Sorn present the proactive efforts in raising mental health awareness. Combining Huykea’s expertise in Business Management and Marketing with Bunleap’s skills in Computer Science, this dynamic duo has developed impactful digital content focused on mental health awareness for young audiences. 

Huykea and Bunleap bring an updated approach to raising mental health awareness by leveraging TikTok to reach a wider young audience by providing practical tips for managing stress and sustaining a positive mindset. 

To gain more insights, check out their project here: Therapeer (@the.therapeers) | TikTok and join our efforts to advocate for mental health! 

(Writer: Mita Adhisti/ Editor: Hamzah Ramadhan) 

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