Boarders’ Birthday Party at BSQ

All people in the world have at least one special day – like date of birth. Most people like to celebrate their birthday with beloved people, being grateful for everything they had until that special day. However, it is too sad to be true that a lot of people could not spend their birthdays gathering with loved ones due to the Covid-19 pandemic for the past two years. This also happened to our students who live at BSQ, BINUS Square – Hall of Residence. They faced difficulties gathering with their family, fellows, and other beloved people on their special days last two years. Online celebrations were just too lonely, different, and weren’t as fun! 

We’re glad that the pandemic condition continues getting better, we finally were able to hold our onsite birthday celebrations with our friends! ‘Boarders Birthday Party’, so it’s called, aims to celebrate all BSQ boarders’ birthdays. It is held every four months by the BSQ boarders for other fellow boarders’ friends who have their special day during the months of the year. As we celebrate three times a year, every boarder takes turns to set up the party.  

With only a limited budget the fellow boarders collected among themselves; they prepared the best celebrations for their friends. Moreover, we want to bring back all boarders’ – birthday – happy moments! There is always something new and interesting in their own creativity in arranging the party. At the most recent birthday party, the boarders made their birthday friends a ‘cake’ from Indonesian fried food (bakwan- fried dough with chopped veggies, and gehu – deep-fried tofu with veggie fillings). It is probably the cheapest (but best!) ‘cake’ at BSQ but nonetheless unique, creative, so Indonesian – and super delicious! Also, to add to that birthday feel, they put up a lot of candles to resemble birthday cakes. They also decorated the room as pretty as possible with lots of balloons and ribbons, some fairy lights, and turned on loud, fun music. A series of fun games and challenges were set up for the birthday boys and girls. A buffet of various traditional Indonesian snacks (called jajan pasar – literally translated as snacks from a traditional market) was served too with tea and coffee. To close the celebration, all the birthday boys and girls were called out, handed out the candles, and told to say their birthday wishes. Happy birthday, friends! Wishing you a lovely year ahead! 

Even though they live away from their family, our boarders feel BSQ is like their home as they can still celebrate birthdays with their new ‘families’. It was a memorable bonding moment for both Indonesian and International boarders. Sharing and caring for others is always wonderful, isn’t it?

Are you looking for a home away from home while studying in Indonesia? Join our boarders friends and make friends around the world at BSQ. Check out more fun activities at BSQ on this link NEWS – Binus Square

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