
  • Director of BINUS CREATES, a professional arm of BINUS Higher Education with lines of business in training, consulting, school digital transformation, and digital business (2018 – Now)
  • Executive Director of BINUS Business School (2016 – 2018). AACSB accredited and now number 1 business school in Indonesia, top 250 in Global MBA
  • Executive Dean of BINUS International and BINUS Business School (2001 – 2016)
  • Faculty Member: IPMI Business School (1997 – 2001), MM UI, MM Untar
  • Asisten Inspektorat Jendral Pembangunan under President Habibie (1998 – 1999)
  • Tim Inti dalam Proyek Pengembangan Gas Natuna bersama Pertamina dan Exxon (1995 – 1997)
  • Staf Deputi Pengkajian Industri, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (1986 – 2001)


Practical Experience

  • Training for people development: Develop and coach more than 500 managers and top management per year from various companies ranging from small to large enterprises.
  • Consulting: digital transformation, performance management, and business process
  • Teaching in degree programs (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral programs) and non-degree programs (executive education)
  • New digital business development: GreatNusa, Sokrates
  • Skills with more that 100 endorsers in LinkedIn: strategic planning, teaching, strategy, research, business strategy ( )