Nama : Tanika Nabila (NIM :  2301865432) & Christian Siregar

As far as we know, Pancasila is our country’s ideology since it was created in 1945 by our founding fathers. The fact that Pancasila was not some made-up ideology was the true meaning and its application since the days of the kingdoms. Those kingdoms have the value of unity, humanity, praising god, tolerance, and democracy. Quoting our first president, Soekarno, where he said that a big nation is the one who did not forget where they came from. Those were the elements integrated into their understanding back when they arrange Pancasila. Pancasila was not only an ideology but also a foundation of Indonesian’s day to day activities and beliefs.

With globalization, Indonesia needs to stick to the value of the eastern nation and most importantly Pancasila, our specific designed value. The evolution of technology that allows us to see what is going on in the outside world can make a blur to Indonesia’s beliefs and who we are as a nation. The fact that there are many countries with their ideology can shake up Indonesia’s faith in Pancasila. So, Pancasila is integrated into our law as well and in the knowledge and technology factors of Indonesia. The most recent event with a close connection to Pancasila was the possession of a nuclear weapon. It is common knowledge that powerful countries such as The United States of America, North Korea, Russia, etc have their own nuclear weapon to protect themselves from a possible threat.

Indonesia’s beliefs are not aligned with the development of a nuclear weapon. The fact that nuclear weapon was intended for mass destruction contradicting to Pancasila’s first, second and fifth precept. The development of nuclear is not cheap as well with a big risk. Those risks include radiation, explosion, and toxic waste.

Indonesia does not have a nuclear weapon, but we do have a research center regarding nuclear energy in Serpong. There were numerous news sites information that there was a suspected nuclear leak at the area near the research facility. This was the reason why nuclear on a large scale will be strongly opposed by Indonesians and will cause a riot. This put our community at risk, like the place in Japan and Chernobyl, especially when developed in a largely populated area. This is contradicting with Pancasila’s first (faith in God), second (loving others), third (defend the country), fourth (democracy) and fifth precept (social justice); that means all precepts of Pancasila.

As Indonesian, both as state and individuals, our activities should reflect on values of Pancasila because that is who we are and the roots of our nation before the country of Indonesia even exist. We can keep those values in mind by learning more about our country’s history and our traditional manners.


Bustomi, M. I. (2020, February 15). Perumahan Terpapar Radiasi Nuklir di Serpong, Bapeten Sebut Belum Tentu karena Kebocoran. Retrieved from

Dosen Pendidikan, Nilai-nilai Pancasila. Retrieved from