The Model of Characters Building in Improving the Quality of Morals Members Regional Police Bali


The objective of the research is to find out models of character development members regional Police Bali based of case study of Muslim members in improving the quality of morals. The formation of the pattern of thinking, behavior, mentality, and noble character of police officers, will be used as a solution to dampen the hedonistic nature of the challenges in the era of globalization. The benefits of this research is expected to be a positive recommendation constructive to find a model police officer character building of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the Bali Police. For the long term, the discovery of the character building models can be developed for the entire police force in Indonesia. The type of research that will be applied researchers in this study that the mix between quantitative and qualitative research methods based on the narrative between the subject and the concrete experience of the field. Researchers want to establish the truth of the facts observed object.

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