God the Father

by: Andy Gunardi

In this writing I want to make 3 points. First is the meaning of God the Father. The second is how to know the Father in our days. And the last, is how to find and rest in Him. According of Judaism tradition, God was called as a Father. It came from family tradition. Father in Judaism tradition was a leader of the family. He protected the family with his life and he decided everything. The other member of family can give suggestion, but the decision was in his hand. The father can give rewards and punishment to other member family. So, father in the Judaism context was a defender, decider, and give the best for his family. He must be obeyed.

            In the Christian tradition, terminology of the father was changed little bit.  God was understood as a giver of life and blessing. He loved His family and He didn’t want one of them lost. He tried hard to make each His family member be united each other. For doing so, He will be patient and does many ways to unite them with Him. It happened in Jesus Christ. Jesus was mentioned as a Son of God, because He knows well the Father and the Father knows well him. Jesus tried to unite all family member.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

So, according to the New Testament, Father is described as the Patient God and tries to unite all family members in him.

My sisters and brothers to explain more about this, I will tell you about this story:

Once I gave a retreat for junior high school. There was a boy made me surprised. He came and talked about his problem. He said,” I don’t want to live any more. I hated my life. I have a mother. He is a “dangdut” singer. (dangdut is one of traditional dance in Indonesia). The singer sings and dances at the same time). I hate her and myself. She married three times and the man who with her now is not my father. I am jealous when I saw the other boy went to the restaurant or picnic with his family. I feel shame when my friend asks me where is your father. I don’t want to live anymore. And he was crying.

I let him crying and after he already be calm, I said, Yes, It’s difficult for you to face your life. It’s true you can feel sad, and maybe you feel meaningless. But believe me your life is not too bad. There are a lot of good things around. You may go to school. You have friends, teachers and life. All of them are blessings. Don’t look about bad things but sense good thing in your life.

            My brother and sister it’s true some times in our life we only think and see bad things. So, we like a person who brings burden on our shoulder everywhere. We always said, “this burden is very heavy, I cannot bring them anymore”.  But, who ask you to bring those anywhere. You can lay it down.

My sisters and brothers, through Jesus, we know the Father. Jesus who we know not only finished on the cross, but He always be with us. He is a life. He is here to make you know who the Father is. When you feel something good and experience something exiting. It means you already met him and know the Father.

Every day and every time The Father always give his love through Jesus his Son. Experience it in your daily life. So, you will know Him better and you will be united with him as a family. Amen.