
BINUS UNIVERSITY organized Graduation Ceremony 46 for their alumni, on Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, Saturday (21/7). 2,933 alumni who consist of 254 S2 alumni, 61 S1alumni and 1 D3 alumnus all brought pride for their alma mater and families.

The alumni on Graduation Ceremony 46 will add the number of alumni on BINUS UNIVERSITY community, to a total number of 70,547 people who are presented for the nation, country and the world.

“With their knowledge, skill, learning culture, fighting spirit and high motivation, we believe all of you will gain success in your dream and career,” the Rector of BINUS UNIVERSITY, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM said in front of the alumni.

This success, he added, is the beginning of a long journey in the paths of life and career. The rector reminded everyone on challenges and obstacles which they will face. “Don’t stop and keep fighting to overcome those obstacles,” he stressed. (YD)