Cadre Forming is a series of events held by Executive Committee and Manager BSSC for Candidates, Cadre Forming with the theme “A Thousand Chances” was held on January 29-31, 2021. Cadre Forming is expected to be able to assist every Candidate in carrying out their role in the BSSC. Therefore it held some interesting activities during those 3 days.

The first day of Cadre Forming, each Candidate carried out activities that helped them hone their soft skills and organizational ethics which were designed in the form of a talk show. There were three sessions brought by experienced speakers, such as the first speaker was BSSC alumni, Natalya Verity Dapu explaining her experiences during her organization at BSSC;

the second speaker was Kak Adit from Program Development Center (PDC) & Pak Rahmat from Student Club and Activity Center (SCAC) who explained the benefits and challenges of organizing; and the last speaker was Kak Cecil from Program Development Center (PDC) & Kak Aisah from Student Club and Activity Center (SCAC) who explained basic skills and work ethics in the organization.

On the second day of Cadre Forming, each Candidate started the activity by designing an event originating from a group discussion. They hold discussions for approximately 4 hours and then they presented it in front of the judges which are the Executive Committee and Manager BSSC. This activity is called Event Creation.

After carrying out fairly dense activities from the first day to the second day, Cadre Forming was closed with an online outbound where they were challenged to carry out attacks and seizure of the opposing team’s territory which was called a Game Battle. After attacking each team, each Candidate was back together and played Game II: Guess The Code, where they had to guess the code given by the selected Candidate.