Indonesian Language Class was one of the language classes held by BSSC Culture Division to facilitate international BINUS Square boarders who are interested to learn Indonesian. The first class was held on March 20th, 2019. The class featured 4 native Indonesian speakers as language tutors and 10 students. We held this class to help foreign boarders understand Indonesian and also to help them learn more about Indonesian culture.

This class was taught by tutors who were eager to teach and share their knowledge about Indonesian language and culture with foreign boarders. The teachers were Joshua Sandhi, Ravel Destiano, Cindy Patricia, and Rini. This program was made up of 6 meetings which were held every Wednesday. Participants of the class were able to learn a variety of new vocabulary and phrases that are very common in Indonesian. For example, participants were taught how to introduce themselves and pronounce numbers in Indonesian. Then, they were taught about how to do basic conversation. After that, they were introduced to the names of popular places in Indonesia. Aside from learning the theoretical aspect of a new language, participants also played a number of educational games, such as Bingo and Kahoot to further enhance their understanding of Indonesian language and culture.

An internal survey was conducted by sharing a questionnaire to each student to help us identify the level of satisfaction. According to the survey, event information was easy to get and the event was interesting. In addition, all the respondents said that the event was useful for communicating. Overall satisfaction of this class was really good and we hope to hold another Indonesian Language Class to accommodate international boarders who wants to learn the language.