BSSC Senior Cadre Forming 2024 “Leaders of Tomorrow”

BSSC 14th Presidency has reached the middle point of its management period. Although a lot of time has passed and events have been held, members of BSSC are still eager to improve our soft and hard skills. With that, BSSC held another annual event called BSSC Senior Cadre Forming 2024, which aims to give materials needed to be part of executive management for all activists. This year, we invited three speakers to teach about “Strategic Management”, “Regeneration”, and “Branding”. The event was held onsite at Oak Room Binus Square with an option to use zoom as an alternative if the participants cannot participate directly.

The event started with an opening from the MC and continued with a prayer together. Then, shortly after, everyone stood up to sing Mars BSSC together led by the MC. After that, everyone sat down to listen to the rules and regulations from the MC. Followed by a series of remarks to welcome the participants who took part in this event. And before the start of the material delivery session, we did a mini quiz all about BSSC together.

The first material to be delivered, “Strategic Management”, by the speaker Mr. Irvan Santoso, S.Kom., M.TI. from Student Involvement Center (SIC). We learned useful things about how to leader paths, SWOT analysis, and SMART goals. The participants also got to do some exercises like self evaluation and self thinking that respond to the material that has been taught. After that, the participants had the opportunity to ask related questions about the material taught by the speaker. The first material session did well and ended with an awarding of a certificate and prizes to the speaker.

We then had a short break time for 15 minutes before the second material session began. The second material was about “Regeneration” presented by the second speaker, Kent Alber Fredson. We learned about leadership, BSSC management, self-scanning, and visions for BSSC in the future. The participants also got to do some self-evaluation and thinking exercises corresponding to the material. After that, a Q&A session was held for the participants to ask questions about the material to the speaker. It then ended with a lunch break.

After lunch break, a briefing on the main assignment was held. A week before the event, the participants were assigned to be divided into groups for the main assignment and study case. The main assignment consisted of 8 questions that the participants in groups had to answer every question with answers they discussed together. They had a 15 minute discussion before moving to the next session, Study Case. To start the Study Case session, MC reads the guidelines and rules first. Afterwards, MC reads the first Study Case and the groups have 5 minute preparation to discuss. After the discussion time is over, MC will pick a group to present their discussion for 5 minutes. Another group, picked by the MC, can then give their feedback on the previous group’s presentation for 2 minutes. Then the first group can give their response to the others group feedback for 2 minutes. This is done to the second and third Study Case.

The third material, “Branding”, was presented by Ms. Candy Reggi Sonia, S.Ds., M.Ds. as the third speaker. In this session, we learned about the general things about branding, types of branding, and use of branding in business. Participants were also invited to analyze BSSC branding and how to improve it. A Q&A session was also held for the participants to ask questions about the material to the speaker. The session ended well with an awarding of a certificate and prizes for the speaker.

Following after, there is a break time which was also used to finalize the main assignment. After the break was over, the first group called by the MC presented the results of their main assignment for 10 minutes. The judges who had been determined, then will give feedback on the answers from the group. The process is then repeated for the next groups.

Before ending the event, a small session for appreciation to the most active group and a special session for the parting of one of the members of BSSC. The event ended with a documentation with the participants, speakers and guests.


Andrea Laloan - 2602111894