BSSC Challenges was held from October 25th, 2021 to November 1st, 2021 themed “Share Your Care”. This event was held to invite boarders, Binusian, and the public to protect the surrounding environment and also keep this Earth healthy. This event also aimed to instill a sense of love for our environment and increase our sense of concern for ourselves, socially, and the environment. We also want to increase sympathy and empathy for others through this event. In addition, this event will help BSSC Social Division members to improve their skills and also gain experience in creating an event. BSSC Challenges also provides community service hours to boarders and Binusian who take part in this event and fulfill the requirements from the beginning to the end of this event.

To realize the purpose of this event, we distributed posters on platforms called Instagram and LINE to attract the attention of boarders, Binusian, and the public. Participants record themselves doing the challenges and upload the video challenges via Instagram story every day according to the challenges that have been determined. On the first day, participants were encouraged to make a self-care video themed “Practice Self-Care”. Participants recorded themselves doing practice self-care such as meditation, exercise, skincare, morning routine, eating healthy food, and so on. In addition, participants also gave reasons why they liked that self-care. During checking on the first day, many participants did not meet the requirements and were disqualified because they did not post the challenges or their accounts were private, but on average, the participants had followed the appeal of the committee properly and correctly.

On the second day, participants were encouraged to make a video of nature awareness-themed “Go Green”. Participants recorded themselves planting and showed how to plant from the beginning to the end using planting media such as pots, polybags, soil, and so on. During checking on the second day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements and some people were disqualified because they did not post the challenges.

On the third day, participants were encouraged to make a social awareness video themed “Invite others to comply with health protocols”. Participants recorded themselves and advised others to wear masks, hand sanitizer, maintain distance, maintain health, and so on. During checking on the third day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements and some people were disqualified because they did not post challenges.

On the fourth day, participants were encouraged to make a video of nature awareness-themed “Save Electricity Usage”. Participants recorded themselves saving electricity usage such as turning off the air conditioner when not in use, not turning on the lights during the day, and so on. During checking on the fourth day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements, but no one was disqualified because all participants posted their challenges.

On the fifth day, participants were encouraged to make a social awareness video themed “Share positive spirit amid the pandemic”. Participants recorded themselves giving words or quotes that can encourage others to always think positively even during the pandemic. During checking on the fifth day. During checking on the third day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements and some people were disqualified because they did not post challenges and did not meet the requirements such as in the video that did not show the participant’s face.

On the sixth day, participants were encouraged to make a video of nature awareness-themed “Doing 3R”. Participants recorded themselves doing one of the 3Rs, namely reduce, reuse, and recycle such as reducing by reducing the use of plastic, reusing by using unused items, and recycling by making creations from scraps. During checking on the sixth day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements and some people were disqualified because they did not post challenges and did not comply with the provisions in the challenges.

On the seventh day, participants were encouraged to make a humanity video themed “Send a gift as a form of care”. Participants recorded themselves sending gifts to their friends or their family as a form of concern which can be in the form of food, drinks, spirit chat, letters, video calls, and so on. During checking on the seventh day, there were still participants who did not meet the requirements and some people were disqualified because they did not comply with the provisions in the challenges.

On the eighth day, participants were encouraged to make a video and also make a report themed “Give impressions and messages during the challenges”. Participants recorded themselves and made reports containing their impressions and messages during the challenges and the report is in the form of a word file according to the template provided by the committee. During checking on the eighth day, all participants posted challenges and no one was disqualified.

Although there are some participants who did not meet the requirements and were disqualified amid the event, there are other participants who exceeded our expectations. We can see that the videos they made and posted were made with passion, and their intent of spreading positivity can be felt deeply. The feedbacks from the participants were also very positive overall, indicating that the main goals of our event were realized successfully.

Writer: 2440033994 – Erni

Naomi Chrisant Wulandari