BSSC Workshop “Build Your Personal Brand Like a Pro”

The BSSC Workshop “Build Your Personal Brand Like a Pro” was the first event ever held by the Creative Media Division. This workshop was held on May 29th, 2021. In this event, we expect to help the audience create their personal brand using graphic design software with the help from a professional. The event division team decided to split the learning process into two sessions with a Q&A section after each session ended.

In the first session of the process, the trainer taught the audience the basics of designing a brand as well as some concepts to make your brand unique, eye-pleasing, and so on. The trainer is a self-trained, experienced, and without a doubt, a talented designer. Her name is Aurelia Villi. She explained how she created the Instagram account, @creati.ville. She has been creating and posting the design brands in that account. She also taught the audience how to use colors, so that the colors would harmonize and blend well.

In the first Q&A session, the chat was flooded with questions regarding the material. Some were personal questions for the trainer to answer. Villi, eagerly and patiently, answered all the questions. We are very fortunate to find such a talented and friendly speaker to be invited to our workshop event. The audiences were active throughout the event.

The second session started with the trainer continuing the material. In this session, the audience were advanced to a more complicated material. All of the materials were taught and explained clearly and thoroughly. With the finished product shown by the trainer, we move to the next and the last Q&A session. In this Q&A, not as many questions were asked compared to the previous Q&A session. Still, Villi answered all of them professionally and as friendly as possible to make our audience more confident and interactive. The trainer also gave tips and tricks to make the design product quicker yet pleasing to the client and professional. She will also make sure the designing experience is enjoyable.

The game session started as soon as the last Q&A session ended where a staff assigned as the gamekeeper shared an online quiz link for the audience to play. The questions that came from the quiz itself were from the material explained by the trainer. This quiz was intended to make sure the audience could keep up with the material taught by the trainer. The next session was a documentation session and a closing event by the MC.

By the end of the event, the audience found the workshop to be helpful to assist them in brand designing or design using software in particular, especially during the period of the COVID pandemic. They also wished for more similar workshop events related to certain skill to be cultivated in such a pandemic / unemployed period.

Writer : Arthur Jeremy (BSSC)

Naomi Chrisant Wulandari