Adobe Illustrator 1 Training by CM Division

Illustrator 1 Training was held on Saturday, March 6th, 2021. This event aimed to introduce the Adobe Illustrator application to our Creative Media members as a tool to help them create and design their future job desc and content. We invited Creative Media 10th Presidency’s Manager, Trixie Wiharta, to share several tips and techniques in Instagram feed designing.  

This event started with an introduction from the current Manager, continued with a brief explanation about online training rules, and introducing our trainer. Then, the event is followed with the Adobe Illustrator features, explained from how to create a new canvas, pen tool, eyedropper, margin until how to set the clipping mask. Occasionally, the trainer will ask members to show their progress while following the instruction given. Moreover, we also discussed and shared some techniques that have not ever been used before. Lastly, the trainer gave the members time to create their own feed and evaluate it at the end of the presentation. From this event, we expected our members could acquaint themselves with great experience and skills from what our trainer had shared, appreciate their own designs, and carry a heart of willingness to learn more after knowing their strengths and weaknesses in content designing.