SHINE (Share Happiness, Inspiration, and Education) is one of the events of BSSC that was conducted by Social Division. Through this event, we educated those in need and also shared our happiness to them. SHINE was held in two orphanages, Panti Asuhan Kasih Anugerah Rumah Pemulihan and Panti Asuhan Bersinar on July 2nd, 15th, and 16th 2019. Panti Asuhan Kasih Anugerah Rumah Pemulihan was the first orphanage that we visited in the morning. Then, we went to Panti Asuhan Bersinar in the afternoon. The activities that we did in the orphanages were conducting socialization in the first meeting, planting trees in the second meeting, and making piggy banks in the third meeting.

On the first day, it was very surprising because the children greeted us with great enthusiasm. In order to be even closer with the children and lighten up the atmosphere, we played games. The children were interested and happy because of it. The main activity of this meeting was the socialization of “Dry World”. This socialization made the children aware that they need to love the environment and that doing small changes can truly change the world. On the second day, the children were also very excited and enthusiastic. They immediately gave us a hug and shook hands with all of us. In this meeting, we planted trees. By doing so, they learned how to move the plant to the pots step by step. We also reminded them to water the plant every day in order to grow the tree and enjoy the fruit one day. They said they were very happy with this activity because they can learn with nature. On the third day, we made piggy and kitty banks. It was a little hard for them but they dedicated to make it and didn’t give up even if they can’t do some of the steps. The committees also helped them in the process. In the end, the piggy and kitty banks looked very unique because they made and customized the banks based on their imagination and creativity. Then, surprisingly, in Panti Asuhan Bersinar, the children had special performances for us. It was truly unexpected and touching. After that, we had snacks, took photos together with the children, and finally went home.

So much experiences can be taken from this event. They taught us meaningful lessons for our lives, such as the need to be grateful of all the things we have. Aside from that, we also learned that helping others bring us satisfaction in its own way, that we can bring joy to the lives of others through simple action, and that sometimes it is best to step back and appreciate the little things instead of worrying on things that have not happened. We enjoyed our time playing with the children and it was a moment that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.