OBER is an event held by BSSC Sport Division, for the boarders of BINUS Square. This event is held annually and this is the fourth and last OBER. The objective of this event is to make boarders socialize with each other, and to have a fun and interesting excercise. The theme of OBER is “Stop Dreaming, Start Working” which means that we should be a person who work their dreams to achieve it, instead of doing nothing. Well, the problem is people usually have a lot of dreams but never work on it to achieve those dreams.

This fourth OBER was held on 1st June 2018, taking place at the swimming pool at BINUS Square. The event started at 3 PM, and ended at 5:15 PM. Out of 18 boarders who registered, 12 of them came to join our event, and we divided them into two teams.

In this OBER, there were 2 games that were played. The first one was swimming and the second one was water polo. The swimming game wasn’t just a swimming race. The race is a form of relay. The idea of this game is a relay race with six people in each team. The first person started the race by swimming until they reached the end of the pool. Then the second person will continue the race by swimming to the other end of the pool. When the second person has reached the end of the pool, the third person will continue the race, and so on. The first person who reached the end of the pool is the winner.

The second game was water polo. The rules used in this OBER are the common water polo rules. Since there were only two teams, they played against each other for four quarters. Each quarter’s duration is five minutes. And each team contains of five people. The team that scored the highest is the winner.