BINUS Digital Transformation is a process of adapting and developing new business processes, customer experiences, and business models that will trigger significant changes through a combination of information technology, computing, communication, and connectivity.

BINUS Digital Objectives

Carrying out cultural transformation with a digital orientation in carrying out main activities (Catur Dharma) to produce products and services that are able to provide the latest experience for learning and stakeholders, to create new competitiveness outcomes for BINUS Higher Education.



01. Competitivenes outcomes baru.
02. Produk dan layanan baru.
03. Stakeholder experience.
04. Optimalisasi sumber-sumber daya yang dimiliki.
05. Agility, kondisi organisasi yang multi dimensi membutuhkan kesiapan
​​​​​​​      untuk cepat berubah dan beradaptasi.
06. Mengembangkan budaya baru dalam melakukan core aktivitas.