It is hard to predict of any business, includes startup, will be successful. You may have many unique ideas of solution of any problems. You then have dream to begin your startup since it is trending upwards. Before you go on, lets learn from some successful startup.

Starting a new business needs hard work and good teamwork. Everyone knows that. But, how about starting a startup business? What does it need to be successful startup?

You can find the recipe by your own, by doing trial and error. I can say, this will be the hard way. Let’s learn from the successful startups, but not limited to those I mention below:

  1. Your idea, product or service has to stand out. You sell the unique and profitable idea to get investor.
  2. Word of mouth is taken as free advertising. AirBnB found it as the most effective and the most powerful advertisement. It is the most cost effective, indeed.
  3. Be a problem solution. Uber finds a great solution for taxi passengers, by providing a platform that connects passengers and taxi drivers. Now passengers can find taxi from any where and at any time. They can also choose the car type and the taxi rate being offered.
  4. Focus on the product first. Whatsapp created their revolutionary product, and then begin the startup business, not the other way around. They turned the idea into reality to meet the cheap communication need.
  5. Digitally upgrade. Groupon went digital its coupons so users can access and get unlimited number of deals.
  6. Make you brand known. To do so, Mailchimp created an email marketing automation that can deliver millions or even billions of emails per day.
  7. You only need one. Many founders have tried so many times before the created the best. This also happened to Angry bird creator, even he fails many times, he only need to succeed once.
  8. Linkedin’s founder had worked hard to build his network. By using this network, he finds customers. He finally get funded from Sequoia Capital as venture capital and expanded successfully.
  9. Keep expanding. Even though your startup is good and successful enough, but you need to keep expanding the business to international market, like Netflix did.
  10. Be high-quality and be consistent. A startup business may have loyal customer for high quality product or service consistently. This consistent high quality may result in huge business growth.

There are more points can be mentioned, but at least, you can understand some points important to be considered before begin your startup. On top of that, there many more startup failed the business for many reasons.


Picture: yahoo images

Linda Kusumaning Wedari, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA., CLI., CSRS