International Webinar “Data Analytics in Fraud Prevention and Detection” Accounting Technology Program, Binus University, Bekasi Campus

Accounting Technology Program, Binus University, Bekasi Campus held an international webinar in a topic of “Data Analytics in Fraud Prevention and Detection” on 16 October 2021. We had a distinguished speaker, Adi Prananto PhD, from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Adi Prananto was an experienced systems developer and project manager prior to joining academia. With over 17 years of experience in the tertiary sector, he has held numbers of senior roles including the Director of International and Pathways, Director of the Information Systems & e-Business research group, Dean’s Advisory Board, Deputy Head of Information Systems, and Discipline Leader. His knowledge domain encompasses the intersection between Big Data, Business Analytics, Disruptive Technology & Innovation, Information Security and Risk Management. The webinar was moderated by Linda Kusumaning Wedari., PhD and the opening remark was conducted by Toto Rusmanto, PhD, as the head of program.

The international webinar was dedicated to improve Accounting Technology Students’ understanding in the role of data analytics in accounting and auditing area. Dr Adi explained that as fraud becoming more prevalent across industries and different sizes of companies,  the traditional fraud management systems which have been employed in the past, have not proven effective. Many frauds had happened, mostly are because of insufficient company’s prevention system. When the data goes bigger and bigger, and even become a “Big Data”, we cannot look at the data and handle it with conventional way, since we have limitation of our capacity. The capability on how we clean it, transform it, filter it and use it for analysis, depends on our capacity and technology tools. Now, with an easy access to data from internal and external sources, fraud analytics, which combines analytic technology and fraud analytics techniques, help in the detection and prevention of fraudulent activity either before or after it occurs. This may happen since data analytics can be used to map the data anomalies that could be an indication of fraud.

After the interesting and interactive presentation, it was followed by the Q&A session.

There were a lot of questions asked by intrigued students and was answered clearly by the speaker.

You can watch the recording by this link


Written by:

Linda Kusumaning Wedari., SE., MSi., PhD.

Linda Kusumaning Wedari, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D.
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