Informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan untuk Result Measurement Coordinator

Dear BINUS Alumni,

The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) is an ambitious new rural development program which aims to achieve a 30% increase in the net incomes of 300,000 male and female farmers in eastern Indonesia by 2017. Focusing the work in five provinces (East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua and West Papua), AIP-PRISMA is currently looking for candidates to fill the position of Result Measurement Coordinator.

As a Results Measurement Coordinator, you will closely collaborate with Sector and Intervention Coordinators. You will guide them in scrutinizing, analysing and improving their strategies. For this, you will support the sector team to articulate causal models and respective indicators for measurement; identify, quantify and verify milestones and targets; develop monitoring plans; design surveys; collect data; and analyse results to enhance appropriate decision-making strategy adjustments.

To perform this role, you should have several of the following qualifications:

  • at least graduate level qualifications in economics, business administration, mathematics or similar discipline;
  • experiences in designing and conducting qualitative and quantitative research;
  • strong analytical skills;
  • experience in working with statistical software like SPSS, PSPP or others and proficiency in using Excel;
  • willingness to learn from mistakes and ability to think ‘out-of-the-box’;
  • good communicator and team worker;
  • experience with mobile data collection; and
  • fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Working experience in a private or public research institute or in a development project following the principles of the DCED Standard for Results Measurement are of strong advantage and willingness to travel frequently a must.

If you find yourself a match and willing to join this opportunity, you can apply on the spot on the Recruitment Day.

Let’s join AIP-PRISMA Talkshow & Recruitment Event !

For further information and registration, please contact:
Angie Gardieni
Subject : AIP-PRISMA Registration
email    :
cc        :
phone   : 081 1322 3790