Webinar Entrepreneur Series "Step Up The Game in Your Entrepreneurial Journey" dengan tema "Effective Business Plan"

Start Date 10 June, 2023
End Date 10 June, 2023
Location Online via ZOOM.
Category BINUS
Editor Yonatan Peter


BINUS Alumni Relation Office (ARO), Binus Entrepreneur Center & B-IKA ( BINUS Alumni Entrepreneur Community) kembali mempersembahkan Webinar Entrepreneur Series "Step Up The Game in Your Entrepreneurial Journey"

Register Here : https://bit.ly/B-Entre03

dengan tema ke – 3 "Effective Business Plan" yang akan diadakan pada :

Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 10 Juni 2023
Waktu : Pkl 10.00 – 12.00 WIB

via ZOOM.

Yang akan di sampaikan langsung oleh:

Narasumber :

Wilyan Adiasari S.E., M.M – Faculty Member Binus Entrepreneurship Center
Yossa Setiadi S.Sos,.MM – Pengusaha dan Mentor Wirausaha – Alumni MM S2 BINUS JWC

Don’t Miss It!!! free E-certificate.

Panitia BINUS Alumni Relation Office (ARO), BINUS Entrepreneur Center, B-IKA, IKA BINUS.


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