Study Abroad Experiences and How to Apply with Scholarships with NUFFIC NESO

On Thursday, 9th December, a seminar event called Study Abroad Experiences and How to Apply with Scholarships with NUFFIC NESO. The event started at 7 pm, where attendees started to come and register at the front of Oakroom. Attendees are looked eager to listen and getting information about studying abroad, especially Netherland. The speakers itself comes from NUFFIC NESO representative, which were Ms. Indhira and Ms. Karina.

Both representatives explained a lot about study abroad in the Netherland and ASEAN. They give us a lot of tips and tricks, experiences that we might get when we are get abroad, and kinds of scholarship that we can apply for study abroad. Attendees do ask a lot of questions that related to the topic, such as the main differences about the universities here and Netherlands, the course itself, and life expenses. The seminar was closed with voucher giveaway to the most active attendees and group photo.